Richland, Washington Speed Traps
State Highway 240 near State Route 182
Strict speed enforcement and aggressive driving with unmarked cars, including Dodge Chargers, Ford Expeditions and several others.
Keene Road near Kennedy Road
Richland police have made the newly-completed Keene Rd./Kennedy Rd. intersection one of their favorite new speedtraps. There are several outbuildings adjacent to the intersection that they hide behind. The speed limit drops from 50 to 40 when nearing Keene Village. Richland police are predatory and aggressive – one followed me the two blocks from the intersection to my home, waited until I was pulled into my garage, pulled into my driveway, and then turned his lights on for all my neighbors to see. The infraction was "not coming to a full stop at the intersection", which was false. A friend was also followed to my home from the intersection for having a headlight out. They are quite obviously trolling for DUI’s and using any trumped-up excuse they can to pull people over. It’s less about safety and law enforcement than about generating revenue.
George Washington Way near Van Giesen Street
Speed Limit on George Washington Way is 35 MPH and it is a main thoroughfare through Richland. When coming up GW Way you will encounter a school zone which is activated by a small flashing lightng which prompts you to slow to 20 MPH. This occurs at various times of the day. You may see it and you may not, due to the heavy traffic at various intervals during the day. The police seem to like this area because no one does 20 MPH, and they have a free pick on who should get a ticket for speeding in a school zone. This apparently increases the amount of the fine too. It appears to be a very easy place to get caught speeding, especially if you are not from Richland. I do not advocate speeding in any school zone, however, this particular one seems to be a major revenue getter and trap.