Seabeck, Washington Speed Traps
Holly Road (Near Camp Union)
There’s a pet lodge place on a straightaway portion of Holly Road–between Camp Union and the Lutheran Church on the corner of Holly Rd and Seabeck Holly–where they like to sit. They usually park across the driveway; you’ll notice an unusually parked vehicle parked across the driveway of the pet lodge (usually an unmarked gray Dodge Charger), but there have also been sightings of motorcycle speed traps. Although traffic keeps the speed at about 50mph, the speed limit is 35!! . . . you have been warned. 😛
Anderson Hill Rd/Seabeck Hwy
School is closed/ no longer used. As you round Seabeck Highway (heading toward Seabeck) at the Anderson Hill Rd intersection, the sheriff is parked just out of view as you round the corner. Most know that the speed goes from 50MPH to 30MPH and most don’t slow down. Be carefull!
Holly Road near Seabeck Elementary School
Holly road is a 35mph stretch where the school zone for Seabeck elementary is marked just prior to a corner about 100 feet from the 20mph school zone sign. Unless you’re a local, you don’t even See the school zone sign until you round the corner, to be faced with two cycle cops with hand held radar/lidar. I was braking…Hard to slow down, to 20..and was ticketed for 34. another was 8:30AM…No children were ‘present’ school had been in session 30 minutes! But the cops were there making Kitsap County some bucks! I went from obeying the law to a $108 ticket in 100 feet! Unfair!