Silverdale, Washington Speed Traps

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Hwy 303 Right before the Ridgetop Exit

Silverdale, WashingtonNov 04, 20100 Comments

State Troopers will usually sit in the turnaround access and monitor downhill traffic. Sometimes they’ll monitor cars coming around the turn heading to Silverdale. Locating speed traps at bottom of hills is insidious.

Provost Road between Anderson Hill and Newberry

Silverdale, WashingtonApr 07, 20100 Comments

Beware this stretch of road – I have seen cops out on this road in various locations. Most often I see them in this little turn off near some house and the railroad tracks. I was pulled over once and the cop told me they ARE monitoring the area because people are complaining about the speeders (the posted speed limit is 40). I see them mostly at night after dark.

Shell Station, corner of Ridgetop & Myrhe

Silverdale, WashingtonApr 07, 20100 Comments

A motorcycle cop has taken a liking to posting himself at the Shell station at the bottom of Ridgetop to get speeders coming down the hill.

State Highway 3 near Trigger Gate

Silverdale, WashingtonJun 26, 20081 Comments

State Patrol sits up on top of the Trigger Gate over pass and can engage both northbound and south bound motorists on Washington state HWY-3, there are sometimes 2 to 3 patrol cars just waiting to pounce. the overpass is in a position that motorist cannot spot the State patrol until they are right on below them and by that time it is too late, This trap is set from Morning to Late afternoon 3-5 times a week.


State Highway 3 near Trigger Avenue

Silverdale, WashingtonFeb 17, 20081 Comments

Police sit on the overpass behind the sign clocking people entering and leaving the construction zone while many other police cars lie in wait on the on ramps headed in both directions.


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