Walla Walla, Washington Speed Traps

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Walla Walla, WashingtonMay 30, 20120 Comments

Speed limit changes from 35 mph near Home Depot to 30 mph near VA. They sit at the movie theater and other spots, and wait for people to speed up too soon or forget to slow down.

Roosevelt Street near Hobson Street

Walla Walla, WashingtonMay 10, 20070 Comments

There is a one block stretch from the corner of Alder and Roosevelt to the corner of Hobson & Roosevelt that is designated a 20 MPH school zone. This is not quite as obvious as some because there is no school in immediate site. Edison school is a block to the East but school property doesn’t abut this intersection. This stretch is heavily used elementary

Corner is Clinton and Isaacs Street near Public school

Walla Walla, WashingtonMar 01, 20060 Comments

Local law enforcement typically hide in parking lots, driveways and side streets around this local school during school hours. They will hit you with either speeding in a school zone, no seat belt (even if wearing one at times) or both. Do not go even a mile over 20 MPH or you will be stopped.

Issac & 9th Street

Walla Walla, WashingtonAug 27, 20051 Comments

Police cruisers lurk in parking lots. Rush out, often endangering other traffic. City charges exhorbitant fines.

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