Barboursville, West Virginia Speed Traps
State Route 60 near State Route 60
The actual trap is at the highway maintenance building just off the Interstate 64 Barboursville exit near the Barboursville sewage facility on route 60 . This is a state police favorite. It is almost impossible to see a police car hiding behind the structure if you are going westbound toward Huntington. The posted limit is 45MPH, but everyone goes 55MPH.
Interstate 64 near Exit Number 20
Multiple police cruisers are using either RADAR or LASER to from about mid-day to the late evening on I-64 west-bound, just before the Huntington/Barboursville Mall at Exit 20. Also be advised that the enforcement area may include all the way to the Milton exit.
Interstate 64 that passes under the new bridge going into the Huntington Mall
While travelling on I64 in either direction, police sit on top of the new bridge that leads to the Mall in front of Lowes. They shoot cars with the radar that are passing underneath the bridge, then radio to an awaiting officer sitting further down on I64
RT 60 East and West Farmdale Rd in and out of town
Farmdale Road to RT 60. Then RT 60 from Mall Road to 29th Street. These areas are patroled by city police and state police.