Bristol, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Bristol on 216th Ave
216th Avenue in between AH and Route 50 in Bristol Wisconsin is a speed trap, Sheriff will hide there on the side roads. The street used to be 45 miles per hour but was reduced to 35 miles per hour. Anyone driving over 35 on that road is a target. There’s also a large hill on that road that your car will go 5 mph faster if you don’t slow down. The Sheriff hide on a side road or possibly driveways and they’re completely invisible until you see their cherries behind you.
Bristol Route 45 near the Ball Park
County Sheriff perch at the Ball Park just South of Country Road AH looking to nab speeders going North from the 55 mph to the 35 mph speed zone, the speed zone changes fast, be ready.
State Highway 50 near 144th Avenue
On 144th Ave. on the South side of Highway 50, there is a hill. If you’re driving east, you may not see the cop hidden behind this hill. Speed limit signs are posted at 55 mph but are usually ignored to keep up with the flow of traffic.