Darien, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Chaney Tire
If you are travelling north on 14 toward the freeway (43) be careful as you travel past the 4 way stop and go under the RR viaduct. On the left you’ll see the brick tower and they hide in the driveway of this business. You will not be able to see them and they are there everyday.
State Route 14 near Sweet Road
There is no tolerance for speeders in this community. This area’s speed limit changes from 55 MPH to 25 MPH in quick increments. I was given a warning however, for doing 8 MPH over the speed limit.
Hwy X or Hwy 14 coming into town, pretty much anywhere
Drivers who are not from Darien, BEWARE! You WILL get pulled over! I lived there for a summer house-sitting, the person I house-sat for told me that the PD down there deliberately does NOT target area residents. Coming in on Hwy X is a very good spot to get hit, limit goes from 55 to 25 quite suddenly. Word to the wise: if someone going the opposite direction honks at you or flashes their lights at you, SLOW DOWN! They’re trying to warn you!