Delavan, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Highway 11 between Delavan and Elkhorn
Zero tolerance on this strech of highway!
When patrolled all speeders going over the posted speed limit are stopped.
Many speeders are stopped near the intersection of Cobblestone Road and Hwy. 11.
Cty. Trk. O by the fire truck garage south of Sweet Road
The County Mounties or the Delavan Twsp. cops lurk in the Fire truck garage parking lot at the Ravens wood subdivision entrance . I never got stopped yet, probably because I expect them to be there. This is a great location for them because by the time you realize they are there it’s too late!
North Shore as you go over the bridge, just south of Hwy 50.
They sit in the condo parking lot.
Racine Street near County Trunk O
The street is outside of the residential limits, with sporadic businesses on the sides. The street is also a double lane on both sides. The limit is 25, and people routinely drive 35 or more. Going 25 is actually kind of dangerous, because it doesn’t *feel* like a 25 zone area due to the wide lanes, and businesses. Honestly, if I were a zone expert, I would give it 30 or 35. It does not feel like speeding in that area (as it would in a residential area). Also, it leads into a one-lane local highway where the speed is 45. So, someone who is driving from 45 into 25 feels like they’re going too slow for that kind of condition, until they finally reach the residential area, which makes it natural to go 25.
As a result of the tricky conditions, many people drive by me when I’m going 25, or tailgate me. I’ve observed many people exceeding the limit (but don’t look like they’re speeding –except for a few excessively speed-happy folks, of course).
East Geneva Street near Borg Road/Wright St. Road
West bound on Wi.50(East Geneva St.)after stoplight at Borg RoadWright St. past schools and into Downtown area on Wi Hwy 50. Speed limit is "0" tolerance over 25mph.