Fitchburg, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Fishatchery Road at the old Bowman Dairy
Police car will sit in the parking lot on the south side of the old Bowman Dairy building shooting radar at the south and north bound traffic.
Lacy Rd, right in Savanna Oaks Middle School
Cops will just sit in Savanna Oaks Middle School’s parking lot and set a trap there.
The other one is right on the southwest corner of Lacy and Seminole.
claremont Court near norwich Drive
Cop is always there, just slays ’em. they send the state patrol airplane over on occasion
seyene Road
cop sits in the circle drive just south (100yds) from the bp station. They use Ka band radar and always have it on, which is illegal in wisconsin. I usually get a radar warning about a mile each way before i get to him. if you happen to get a ticket down there contest it because they can only employ radar when he actually visually sees you moving too fast, they just sit there with the radar on 100% of the time.
Nesbitt Road near Maple Grove Drive
Anywhere on Nesbitt Road between Maple Grove Drive and Hwy PD/McKee Road. Local law enforcement will park in the driveways of local businesses (especially between Maple Grove and the floral business), where the speed limit is 30 and traffic prevails at ~45. I’ve seen them there on many occasions (and received my ticket at 8 a.m.).