La Crosse, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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Eastbound Interstate 90 crossing French Island

La Crosse, WisconsinSep 05, 20110 Comments

The speed limits on interstates in Minnesota are 70, and in Wisconsin they are 65. After crossing the state line, many Minnesota drivers are still going around 80 or so. The cop sits in the middle of the highway on French Island watching. I was driving about 70 because it was raining hard, and somebody passed me going about 72, and the cop pulled them over. Very aggressive. Don’t give these greedy pigs their money.

West Avenue Near Farnum St.

La Crosse, WisconsinAug 18, 20100 Comments

Police sit in the parking lot of Blaschke’s Funeral home or on Farnum St. early in the morning between 7-8 am. Speed limit is 25mph

21st Street So. near Townsend street

La Crosse, WisconsinAug 18, 20100 Comments

Every Sunday morning the cop sits behind the pump house near the baseball field on 21st street, where it intersects with Townsend St across from Trane Company waiting for people going to church on Sunday morning. He is usually there from 7:30 to 10:00 am every Sunday.

Highway 33 overhead before ( K mart) Losey Blvd

La Crosse, WisconsinJul 11, 20100 Comments

Cops park in K mart parking lot or Quillians parking lot. Even if you are doing speed limit, cars excelerate going down hill.

State Highway 35 South near Interstate 90

La Crosse, WisconsinApr 14, 20080 Comments

They sit under the interstate bridge looking at the traffic coming into La Crosse.


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