Manitowoc, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Highway 10
Manitowoc County Sheriffs patrol Highway 10 pretty heavily, especially between Whitelaw and I43. They sit in the park right along 10 in Branch and back in with the pine trees to their backs and you can’t see them til its too late. They blend in pretty well with their dark cars. I’ve also seen State Patrol patrolling and pulling people over on Highway 10 and I’ve seen both State Patrol and County Sheriffs sit in Whitelaw waiting for speeders to come racing into town.
City Limits
I got pulled over and ticketed for going 3 miles over the limit. The police officer put my speed at 38 miles an hour in a 35 mile an hour zone. Like 38 miles an hour is really speeding.
I-43 5 miles north of Manitowoc
County squads like to sit in the center median crossing area about 3 to 5 miles north of Manitowoc.
Hwy. 10 @ the Branch Firemen’s Park
Manitowoc County Cops patrol Hwy 10 Between I-43 and Whitelaw very heavily but you can usually find them in the Branch Firemen’s park which is located about a mile west of Branch, watching for speeders, suspicious vehicles and anyone else that they can harrass.
North Rapids Rd
Just south of the covered wagon in the old hotel (vacant lot) on the east side of the road they back into the lot aways and it is hard to see them but they can watch both ways.