Marion, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Within city limits
Local newspaper just reported that the city of Marion writes 98% of its traffic tickets to "out-of-towners" and only 2% to city residents.
Its so ridiculous, another town wants to back out of a joint municipal court, because Marion writes so many more tickets than the other member-cities.
Industrial Park Off Hwy45 And Across From Cty G
Marion police thrive on the income of the citations they give out they watch for when they have weddings and such at the Northwinds Banquet Hall,they have way to many cops for the size of their city.Taxpayers $$$ driving out business and people…Marion sucks for such an arrogant police force or farce
US Highway 45 near Prospect Avenue
One sometimes two squads posted from Prospect avenue to Shawano Co. Hwy G..about a mile and a half.
Watch your speed ..they like donations and have their own kangaroo court.
US Highway 45 near US Highway 45
I travel this stretch of Hy. 45 and almost every time the radar detector goes off or there are cars pulled over.
US Highway 45 near US Highway 110
Local, County, and State police all watch US 45 around Marion. Mainly across from rest stop/NE 7th st. and hwy 110 intersection.