Menasha, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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City of Menasha – Hwy.114 (Plank Rd.) Next to Redliner Bar

Menasha, WisconsinApr 01, 20100 Comments

These City of Menasha Officers actually back up between a series of mini warehouses, then shoot radar between them at cross traffic. I was picked off doing 32 MPH in a 25 MPH zone by a very unprofessional officer who was Totally Gloating! There is No reaction time and you can’t see them till’ they come tearing out from between the buildings after you. I see someone pulled over for DWI almost weekly due to the bar next to the trap. Nothing worse than being insulted by a municipal employee who’s wages we pay.

5th Street near Racine Street

Menasha, WisconsinDec 09, 20030 Comments

On the corner of racine strees and 5th street there usually sits a squad car who enforces traffic laws. he will cite you not just for speeding but for equipments violations and other violations of the traffic laws. Beware!

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