Mukwonago, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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US Highway L.O. near State Highway I

Mukwonago, WisconsinOct 31, 20070 Comments

When going East on Hwy. L.O. just after passing the intersection of hwy I and L.O. There is a small park on the south side of the road. A squad sits and does radar any time day and night. The speed limit is 35mph.

State Highway 83 near Pick n Save

Mukwonago, WisconsinOct 26, 20070 Comments

When going south on Hwy 83, coming into Mukwonago by pick n save the speed drops. There is no reduced speed sign and police sit by the State Bank and catch people. They also sit on the otherside of the road and catch you as you enter.


County Trunk NN near County Trunk I

Mukwonago, WisconsinSep 16, 20070 Comments

Squad car likes to sit on the South Side of NN between Hwy I and Hwy EE with the squad backed in to an old farm drive. He is very hard to see until it is too late. (Mukwonago – Waukesha County)


Holtz Parkway near County Trunk ES National Ave

Mukwonago, WisconsinMar 05, 20040 Comments

The new Holtz Parkway is filled with police officers enforcing the ridicously low 40 mph limit. My radar detector is always going off on that road and I can never seem to pin point their exact location, but they eventually close in from behind and will pull you over.

County Trunk ES

Mukwonago, WisconsinJan 15, 20040 Comments

When you are going onto ES and pass pass the fire station there are 2 entrances to a subdivision, it is down hill and there are always people pulled over. They hide right in the entrances to the subdivision. it is very hard to see them. the speed limit is 35 mph.

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