Ripon, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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Southbound on County E

Ripon, WisconsinMar 04, 20130 Comments

The speed limit is 35 as you travel south of town on County E. The trap is set near Butch’s Enterprises (auto body shop). There are cornfield and farms and it appears you are outside of the city. It is only a short distance before the speed limit changes to 55. It makes no difference if you are a visitor for the first time or have never had a speeding ticket before. Do not accelerate before passing the 55 mile speed limit sign.

Hwy 23 entering town from the east

Ripon, WisconsinJan 21, 20131 Comments

You are still in the rural area and the speed drops from 55 to 35 I got a fine, because I did not drop my speed fast enough. This caused me to go through this community without stopping at any business. We were going to shop and eat in Ripon. They want to act like Rosendale, then my solution is to completely avoid the community. I will never spend another dime in Ripon.

Douglas Street, South of Hwy 23

Ripon, WisconsinDec 18, 20110 Comments

This officer has nothing better to do than pull you over in his light/blue Ford squad-car. He will sit anywhere on/off Douglas Street south of Hwy 23, out of site because after you come over a slight hill, there he is & your done. This guy is not friendly at all. Be super careful & watch your speed here!

Town of Ripon

Ripon, WisconsinApr 10, 20100 Comments

Hwy KK. I got a ticket for going 66 in 55 mph zone. Yes, I was speeding but thought a warning would have been sufficient, considering it took the cop 20 minutes. The cop said their squad car computer was slow. I thought my time was worth something but I guess not. Then I heard, a few months later. that the chief does not give his officers the discretion once caught going 11 or more over – Mandatory Ticket!. Sounds like an all too familiar Rosendale. Now I wish I would have went to court, because I’m sure the radar can be off by a couple of miles an hour. I have a digital speedometer and took my cruise off after having it set at 63. Unfortunately, I paid the fine and thought it was my speedometer.

US Highway 23 near Rose Eld Road

Ripon, WisconsinFeb 18, 20080 Comments

Along Hwy 23 between the Ripon city limits and Rose Eld road.


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