Roberts, Wisconsin Speed Traps
I-94 Milepost 13
Maintanance/Police crossover, right at overpass. State Patrol positions to zap westbound traffic as it crests the hill. Unless your birddog gets a sniff before the hill, your toast.
Highway 12
This is later in the night, after 11PM, after the gas station closes a cop likes to sit in the gas station parking lot. It’s sometimes fairly obvious as to where he is parked most of the time. The gas station is now a Holiday, it’s right in the middle of Roberts. I wouldn’t really suggest going more then 5 or 7 over on that road period. Way to many places to hide, and way too many cops going through it.
I94/Roberts exit westbound
They sit in the median on the freeway catching westbound traffic. The Semi scales are just up the way on 94 on the eastbound side, they have plenty troopers there as well.