Theresa, Wisconsin Speed Traps
West End of Theresa Firemen Park Hwy 67/28 West
Police like to sit in the driveway on the east entrance Firemen park behind row of brush. the speed goes from 30 to 55 at the west end of the park. (Which is only a block wide ) They will hit you as you speed up to the 55 zone. Police Like to stop just short of 55 mile zone so you sit there looking at the sign. They will tell you can only go 55 after the sign. No raising your speeding up before sign.
State Hwy. 28
They like to position themselves in or near the entrances to small drive entrances at the outskirts of the Marsh along State Hwy. 28 between State Hwy. 175 and U.S. Hwy. 41 US. On the north end of Theresa they like to sit in the cemetery.
State Highway 67/175 before the cemetery
There is always an officer waiting right before where it turns from 35 to 55 (if you are heading North towards Lomira, Wisconsin). Every time I go past that place, I see he has stopped someone (it never fails). My boyfriend got pulled over by the officer one time because he "sped up too early". That is a speed trap if I’ve ever seen one! (Theresa – Dodge County)