Cheyenne, Wyoming Speed Traps
Omaha Rd and Henderson
Having worked at the TV station for three years which is right at the end of Omaha Road I’ve seen Cheyenne PD there many times and have even stepped outside a few times on break to watch them get people. They like to hit people coming southwest going over the hill, so you don’t see ’em till they have your speed.
Converse Ave between Pershing and DelRange Blvd
A Plain Jane CPD vehicle (Bronze in color) usually sets close by, or in front of, the Airport barrier wall off of the southbound lane. In my opinion, CPD would serve the people best, safety wise, by setting in a marked CPD vehicle on the downhill approach close to Del Range. This might get Converse North bound drivers to think twice about trying to race the lengthy Red/short green/turn arrow Del Range lights. This, I believe, is still the major cause of accidents for that high accident prone area/intersection. ( I believe, still rated at one of the top 2 accident areas in Wyoming and/or Cheyenne)
Just east of Powder House on the new Story Blvd extention.
The usually sit on the right side of the road just over first hill and catch east bounders leaving Powder House.
Madison Ave & E 12th St
A State Trooper cruises 12th street from College Drive to his home in Sun Valley at beginning and ending of shifts. He also hits College Drive hard. I fought my ticket in the kangaroo circuit court and lost. No surprise with that judge. She has the worst score from a lawyers poll. When I was in court, all the tickets that were being fought and contested were given out by this guy. Things that make you go hmmmm.
E Lincoln Way near Morrie Avenue
Cheyenne’s finest like to sit at Pittsburgh Paints and clock motorists as they approach Holiday Park…just about every evening.