Lusk, Wyoming Speed Traps

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US 85 between railroad overpass (N) and 8th St. (S)

Lusk, WyomingNov 30, 20130 Comments

I drive through Lusk 5-6 times per year, and it’s always the same. At least two patrol vehicles going up and down US 85 through town clocking traffic, and at least one more hidden on a side road running radar, often 4th St. (police station) or 10th St. (gas station parking lot). Very aggressive in my experience–peg your speedometer 2-3 under the speed limit and check it frequently, as this sleepy town appears to make full use of its only obvious revenue stream.

Stretch of US 85 b/w Lusk & Newcastle.

Lusk, WyomingJun 01, 20010 Comments

"Always" patrolled. Any blip on your detector should be considered active as long distances and few targets. Rolling clock capable(personal experience). Lance Creek and Gurnsey alternate routes but tougher roads. Roads marked for air but yet to see one.

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