Redwood City, California Speed Traps

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State Highway Woodside Rd. St. Hwy84 near Hess Street

Redwood City, CaliforniaDec 14, 20071 Comments

As one travels to the downward side of the overpass,heading west,the tendancy is to exceed the 35 mph limit, the motor cycle officers (multiple) are waiting in a nursury parking lot to scope and ticket drivers.

Selby Lane near Oakwood Drive

Redwood City, CaliforniaDec 04, 20070 Comments

Most of the time there is an all black unmarked police car (No Lights On The Roof) pulled off to the side of Selby lane Under The Trees on the east side of Selby school. It’s good that they are there due to the kids in the area, but watch out!

Broadway/Beech Streets Crossing near 7-11 Store Parking Lot

Redwood City, CaliforniaNov 10, 20070 Comments

2-3 motorcycle officers park in 7-11 parking lot, adjacent to Broadway@ Beech Streets. Constant use of radar or laser. Many drivers are cited. Enforcement appears at all times of day.

State Highway 84 near U.S. Highway 82 El Camino Real

Redwood City, CaliforniaSep 03, 20070 Comments

On highway 84 heading west just as you cross over the El Camino multiple officers on motorcycles with radar.

State Highway 84 Westbound near Hess Road

Redwood City, CaliforniaJun 07, 20070 Comments

Motorcycle and Squadcars sit in a business parking lot pointing their radar guns eastward into oncoming westbound traffic that comes over an overpass(El Camino Real), vehicles coming down this incline often exceed the 35 mph speed limit. This is a very popular site for the RWC police, cars typically get pulled over within a block of this location. (Highway 84 westbound, known as Woodside Road)

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