Redwood City, California Speed Traps
Woodside Road near Cemetery
driving west on woodside road, motorcycle police park just past the cemetery after el camino with radar.
Fernside Street near Alameda de Las Pulgas Crossing
The south bound direction of Fernside between Woodside Dr & Alameda de Las Pulgas. You will come over a small hill and the motorcycle cop will be there just before you get to the Alameda. This is a 25 mph zone. Be aware! I ride my bike on this route and notice them in the weekday mornings.
Farm Hill Boulevard near Lonesome Pine Road
Posted speed limit is 35 mph, and large signs warn of "Zero Tolerance Zone". 35 mph really may be the maximum safe speed on the east-bound section of Farm Hill Blvd just before the speed trap, as the grade goes steeply down a hill and simultaneously curves to the right. There is no center divider on this down-hill-curve, so there is nothing that would prevent an out-of-control car from plowing head-on into the opposite lane.
Cop-car sits at the edge of Lonesome Pine Road with the hood sticking out onto Farm Hill Blvd facing north. Cop points the speed gun out of his driver-side window toward the west, as east-bound cars roll down the hill toward the speed trap.
For the east-bound direction, the speed trap is obstructed from view until 160 yards proximity due to the road curvature.
There is another speed trap 123 yards to the east of that at the intersection of Farm Hill Blvd and Silver Hill Road, but the Lonesome Pine Road location is used more often due to lower visibility.
A pair of motorcycle cops may lurk on the south sidewalk of the Farm Hill Blvd another 123 yards east of the Silver Hill Road intersection, between that intersection, and the Cambridge Road intersection. The sidewalk trees provide a good shadow.
Seaport Boulevard near US Highway 101
There are two blinds on the south side (heading west) when police can park unseen and catch unsuspecting motorist. They have planted hedges on the west side to impair visibility to these traps. There is also a walkway at the third traffic light from 101 (at the marina) where a motorcycle cop can park and catch folks in both directions. They tend to come intermittently and run traps during the morning and afternoon rush hours. They some times have more than one officer working this stretch of road. I know of one case where a person was ticket for being two miles over the limit, so enforcement is strict. I would recommend using cruise control set below the speed limit on this long wide stretch of road. It is very easy to slip past the speed limit of 35 mph and not notice.
US Highway 84 West, aka:woodside road near West of Highway 101
Woodside Road is a training ground for bike officers. There are regular patrols of park rangers, chp, local pd, and sherriffs cars. on weekends there are also volunteer officers and regular sobriety checkpoints randomly put up.