Redwood City, California Speed Traps
Edgewood Road near Scenic Avenue
As you come down the hill it’s a 45 Zone. Then suddenly it turns to 35. They sit in the Church parkinglot and jump out from behind the tree. It looks like they just flip the radar up and get you. I went to court and lost big time.
Trying to cite no way they could get me. They did.
Edgewood Road near Alameda de las Pulgas
As you come down Edgewod Road from 280 into Redwood City/San Carlos there are two locations where police oficers sit and wait for speeders. One is after you come down the large hill before Edgewood Park. An officer will be parked in the entrance to Edgewood Park so as you round the corner from coming down the large hill he will be there to get you going way over 45! (It’s a steep downgrade). The second is further dwon Edgewood Road near Alameda de las Pulgas. The speed limit changes from 45 to 35 with only one sign and the oficer sits in the parking lot to the church on the right so as soon as you come into that residential area from the hills he has his radar gun right on you.
Redwood Shores Parkway near Interstate 101
Officer sits in a parking lot entrance of a vacant building and gets cars that are exiting 101 onto Redwood Shores Pkwy, which is a 35 mph zone, so decrease speed while on the off ramp. There is an intersection and stoplight right when you exit the freeway, so most people see a green light and maintain their freeway speed. Right after that stoplight, on the right, is where the officer will be sitting.
Maple between Bloomquist and Veteran’s East and West directions.
Westbound motorcycle cops sit in driveway of K-Mart aiming East towards the Highway 101 overpass hidden by trees lining the parking lot so once you hit the crest of the overpass it’s too late. Also a motorcycle sits on the corner of Maple and Bloomquist aiming West using the same hidden technique. Granted, you are driving right past the police station but 35 mph would be fine for the few blocks up to Veteran’s Blvd.
Woodside Road
Two motorcycle officers sit on the East bound and West bound of the Woodside Road over pass (That goes over El Camino) waiting to catch anyone doing 5 over. It’s very hard to see the one from the east so becareful!