San Diego, California Speed Traps

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Both Directons Hwy. 56 East & West

San Diego, CaliforniaApr 13, 20100 Comments

I have seen motors and cruisers in both directions in/or around almost every exit off this fwy. Not only are they under the overpasses in the shadows, in the center divider among the bushes, but sometimes they wait at the top of the overpasses and watch you “fly” by. Then they down come and get you.

Stonebridge Parkway

San Diego, CaliforniaApr 04, 20100 Comments

This is a long winding up and downhill road with no stop signs or lights marked for 35 just a few places to turn off into residential areas. Cops work this in pairs and hide on the side streets. One near the beginning of the road and a few streets down. People usually think once they see the first cop giving a ticket they can speed up there is always another one waiting.

Northbound 805 under I-5 overpass

San Diego, CaliforniaMar 31, 20100 Comments

CHP motorcylce sits under bridge either behind the barricade on the right side of the traffic lanes or behind the bridge column on the left side of the traffic lanes, usually during morning rush hour.

Just pass the 805 interchange on the 163 north

San Diego, CaliforniaMar 25, 20100 Comments

After you pass the lanes going 805 north on the 163 north, a cop likes to hang out on the right side of the road just pass this merge. He is equipped with a radar gun and seems to hide in the blind spot that the bridge over the 163 creates at that point so you you can’t really see him until you are pass the bridge.

Matinal Rd , Westwood (Rancho Bernardo)

San Diego, CaliforniaMar 25, 20100 Comments

Going southbound on Matinal rd towards Rancho Bernardo Rd. Every morning from say 6:00am till 9:00 am . Usually a motorcycle cop!

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