San Diego, California Speed Traps
5 north / 56 bypass
motorcycle cop is always waiting in the mornings on the 56 bypass, north bound, right by where the 805 merges.
163 North from Gennessee Ave
Mortorcycle or CHP Cruiser hides behind a tree with a radar gun. They are usually there 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM 4 or 5 days a week shooting cars with Radar.
6200 Block La Jolla Scenic Drive South
two motorcycle cops park tight to the curb near the intersection of La Jolla Scenic Drive South and El Camino del Teatro where the street curves. collector street with 25 mph posted
La Jolla Blvd south of Genter
Motorcycle cops sit in the alley in the shade where you can’t see them and the speed limit goes from 35 just south of there to 25, so they typically get a few at a time.
Point Loma – chatsworth blvd by plumosa park and kingsley
motorcycle cop hides in shadows heading down chatsworth blvd
also hides behind cars going up chatsworth towards plumosa park