Simi Valley, California Speed Traps

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Interstate 118 Freeway

Simi Valley, CaliforniaMar 27, 20040 Comments

After the second Madera Road exit on the 118, going west(between Madera and Collins) theres a spot to the right where cops hide. The spot is right where the hills are setback far from the freeway, the cop backs in and catches speeders. Also, there is a break in the freeway divider right here, so cops (mostly CHP) frequently turn around and head back east.

Madera Road near Irvine Road

Simi Valley, CaliforniaMar 24, 20040 Comments

Motorcycle facing E/NB traffic at Irvine Road (by Golf Course) hidden around corner.

Madera Road near Shaver Road

Simi Valley, CaliforniaMar 24, 20040 Comments

Car or Morotcycle facing W/SB traffic at Shaver Rd (by Golf Course) hidden around corner.

Sycamore Rd south of Ralphs and between 7 -11 and on Madera Road right after the golf court going south

Simi Valley, CaliforniaMay 21, 20030 Comments

a motor bike and some time police cars both side of the road

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