Colorado Springs, Colorado Speed Traps

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South Carefree Circle near Oro Blanco Road

Colorado Springs, ColoradoJan 08, 20080 Comments

An Officer sits on the north side of S Carefree Circle, West of Oro Blanco, in a cul-de-sac behind a bush as when you are going West on S Carefree towards Murray Blvd. I have seen them also hiding on the south side (on a different side street) of S Carefree Circle to catch eastbound traffic before reaching Oro Blanco. Speed limit is 30 and flow of traffic is 35-40 mph during PM rush hour.

Union Boulevard near Circle Drive

Colorado Springs, ColoradoNov 14, 20070 Comments

Union blvd just North of Circle Drive. Motorcycle Squad

Palmer Park Boulevard near East Uintah Street

Colorado Springs, ColoradoNov 14, 20070 Comments

On Palmer Park Boulevard between Union and Uintah it’s a straight away with a speed limit of 30mph. Police strictly enforce this limit and I see cars pulled over almost daily on that stretch of road.

State Highway 83 near North Gate Boulevard

Colorado Springs, ColoradoNov 14, 20070 Comments

Between North Gate Blvd and Shoup Rd there is usually a marked Chevy Impala El Paso County Sheriff or Colorado State Patrol in a grey Crown Vic or Dodge Charger. Speed limit of 55 is not unreasonable but traffic usually flows at 65. They have also been down to Powers Boulevard and Voyager Pkwy.

Powers Boulevard near Old Farm Road

Colorado Springs, ColoradoOct 09, 20070 Comments

Southbound Powers Boulavard crests a hill (without visibility problems) at Old Ranch Rd. At this point the posted limit goes from sixty to fifty five, but prevailing speeds, especially at night, are often higher. Motorcycle cops are hiding inbetween the yellow barrels used to prevent people from coliding with the median. Usually the only way to ascertain thier presence is by seeing the top of a helmet poking out above the barrels. This qualifies as unjust enforcement because it is placed immedietly after a drop in the limit, and because the speed limit on this section of road does not reflect the 85th percentile speed or a safe and reasonable speed under perfect conditions.

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