Littleton, Colorado Speed Traps
Windermere Street near West Shepperd Avenue
A Littleton city cop on foot or nearby parked car will try to catch you going down the hill between Sheeperd and Lake Avenue , just south of Littleton Boulevard. A relative got a ticket, and I have seen her twice on separate afternoons sitting on a kneewall at the corner of Windermere and Lake with a handheld unit. She then comes into the street in front of you to stop you.
S Broadway Avenue near W Powers Avenue
This trap is just north of Littleton Blvd going towards Belleview. Englewood police will park at the bottom of the hill just in the Burt Subaru parking lot and clock cars going down the hill to maximize the potential speed. This site is in Englewood but coming out of Littleton, so you should know about it.
South Broadway Way near West Powers Avenue
Two Littleton motorcycle cops sit in the parking lot of the bowling alley and flag down cars doing nothing more than 6 mph. They use this to end up giving you a seat belt or broken windshield ticket, which is no points but a fine. I have noticed if your pretty enough, you may only get a warning since my daughter driving the same car got a warning, while my son got a ticket for a cracked windshield. I recently found out that many the officers are NOT testing the radar and lidar guns,(ie:wrong test measurements), but use them anyway to make the stop and give the ticket for the no point violation. Had I known this I would of fought my son’s ticket and had it dismissed
Bowles Avenue near Wadsworth Boulevard
Bowles Ave. @ Raccoon Creek golf course both side of the road, motorcycles and crusiers
Orchard Road near Brodway Road
Going easbound on orchard, there is an unmarked Dodge that sits in the first parking lot you come to(Before the light).