Longmont, Colorado Speed Traps
Martin Street (South)
Officer McDonald is working this new stretch of road that connects 3rd to Hgwy 119. He has the same line for every violator: "You were doing 47 in a 35, but I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt." Sometimes he gives you 45 and sometimes only 46.
I know this is a trap because my son and his fiance were following me on this road just two weeks after I got my ticket. I was carefull not to speed, but he pulled my son over anyway. They were right behind me and could not have been doing more than 40 without ramming my bumper.
Mountain View Ave., east of Hover Ave.
As Mountain View crosses Hover the speed limit drops from 35mph to 30mph. The 30mph sign is partially obscured by a post and RTD sign. Longmont is obviously trying to fill a budget gap with revenue from fines, so you might want to shop elsewhere.
Airport Road Anywhere between 17th and 119
Lot’s of places to hide. Vance Brand Airpor and best is just before 119 at the tree farm just ove the hill south bound.
They camp out in the appartment complex on the south side of 17th gunning people going east. (usually somtimes west too)
West of I-25 on Hwy 66
This road used to be two-lane and 55 mph. About 8 months ago, the road was *improved* to four-lane, but they *dropped* the speed limit to 40mph. You can see the 60mph sign coming up right after the 4-lane becomes 2-lane again, and that’s right where the cruiser sits, with lights off.
6 points and $272 for 60 in the 40