Longmont, Colorado Speed Traps

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Sunset Street

Longmont, ColoradoMar 18, 20090 Comments

Be careful along this stretch of road, especially when going down the hill.

Sunset Street near Third Avenue

Longmont, ColoradoApr 13, 20081 Comments

Going South on Sunset towards Nelson Road or Boston Avenue, the speed limit is only 30 after leaving the Stop sign. It is downhill and very hard to maintain the 30mph limit. It then changes to 35mph after the RRX, but again hard to maintain that speed. Radar and no mercy!

State Highway 119 near Main Street

Longmont, ColoradoSep 20, 20070 Comments

Heading west into Longmont on 119 towards Main street just before approaching Best Buy police are radaring for speeders. It was in the newspaper that they have given over 300 tickets since they opened that bypass.

Clover Basin Drive near Nelson Road

Longmont, ColoradoMay 24, 20070 Comments

One cop stands in an entry driveway to the old Maxtor building (North side) and a cop car/motorcycle sits in the next one. Primarily enforcing traffic westbound.

State Highway 119 near 3rd Avenue

Longmont, ColoradoMay 24, 20070 Comments

Police travel either east or west in passing lane, while using radar on oncoming traffic.

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