Thornton, Colorado Speed Traps

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Interstate 25 near Thornton Parkway

Thornton, ColoradoJul 24, 20050 Comments

Thornton motorcycle cops often radar southbound traffic from on-ramp just past Thornton Parkway. They also radar northbound traffic from the 84th Ave on-ramp. The limit is underposted at 55 mph and while the area is usually congested at rush hour, prevailing speeds are 65+ at other times, especially since you are going downhill. Watch out mid-day and on weekends!

York Street near 128 th

Thornton, ColoradoJul 06, 20050 Comments

anywhere between 136th and 124th, both north and south. Most of the time I see three motorcycle cops together.

East of 128th Ave & Washington by fire station

Thornton, ColoradoAug 28, 20020 Comments

Cops hide in fire station parking lot.

Cross Walk On Colo Blvd 130 Av.

Thornton, ColoradoAug 26, 20020 Comments

Thorton motorcyle set next to a bus stop cover. Most of the time he is checking the southbound speed.

128th east bound between Huron and Washington

Thornton, ColoradoJul 16, 20020 Comments

Going east bound over I-25 they sit by the trees on the south side of the street across from the gas station on the corner of Washington. I have had several friends busted there. There usually there between 1:30 pm to 3:30.

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