Fort Myers, Florida Speed Traps
Palomino Ln
Heading south on towards Daniels Pkwy hiding in the church entrance. Usually in the morning when you are on your way to work.
Cleveland Ave, Colonial, Daniels, Six Mile Cypress, Sumerlin
The Lee County Sheriff is the primary watchdog but Fort Myers Police do monitor also. Marked, unmarked, and motorcycle patrols! They like the 6 lane roads with long stretches where they are recording you half a mile away and some use binoculars for identification purposes. If they catch you it’s a pretty sure thing they’ll write the ticket……it’s all about the $$$$$$$$$$$ and very little to do with safety as the area boast a pretty high fatal accident record. They seem more inclined to chase down Floridians but I don’t think topurist are 100% exempt either!! If you’re in SW Florida it’s best to OBSERVE speed limits—definitely school zones–that’s pretty much a NO TOLERANCE issue!!!
Overall, the Sheriffs department doesn’t harass like others have known to do. I see tham overlook a lot! It’s just when they get you… get your ticket and they aren’t cheap….$85 for a license plate bulb out!!
Palm Beach Blvd going over the Orange river Bridge
The bridge is a high spot in the road and conceils the Cop sitting on each side of the road after the bridge where they cannot be seen util you crest the bridge. The speed limit is 45 going over the bridge. Comming west they sit in the median and catch you cresting the bridge greater than 45. Comming east they sit in the right side of the road and catch you anticipating the increase to 55 too early as you crest the bridge.
Palm Beach Blvd. At the Orange river bridge just east of 75
Going westbound the speed limit changes from 55 to 45 at the base of the bridge. Officers will sit in the median on the west side of the bridge. Going eastbound you will find the officers on the east side of the bridge backed in behind the bridge on the eastbound side.