Fort Myers, Florida Speed Traps

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Interstate 75 as you get near Ft Myers

Fort Myers, FloridaJan 07, 20110 Comments

Highway patrol has a plane or helicopter in the air and they will surely get you. The day I got caught, they had 8 cop cars working it. The officer admitted that it is a sting and they normally do it on Friday. Very, very, expensive lesson. Now when I drive I-75 near Ft Myers, I drive 5mph UNDER the limit.

Brantley Road between 41 and Summerlyn

Fort Myers, FloridaDec 09, 20101 Comments

Motorcycle cops standing behind bushes will clock you any where along this short road and then a second motorcycle or unmarked police car will pull you over and give you a ticket. The speed limit is 30 or 35 (can’t remember) – they will get you at 9-10 miles over the posted limit. I have been pulled over and ticketed her along with coworkers. This road gets you entrance to World Plaza Office Park.

Midpointe bridge, westbound

Fort Myers, FloridaSep 15, 20100 Comments

Speed across bridge is 55 mph, quickly goes to 45 mph then 35 mph then 25 mph way too soon before the toll. Cops wait near the end and flag a group of cars down at a time to give tickets. Raped!

woodland at us 41

Fort Myers, FloridaSep 11, 20100 Comments

motorcycle cops sit in walgreen parking lot, awaiting u turns (no u turn corner) and stop sign violators

Gladiolus from A and W bulb through Harlem Heights

Fort Myers, FloridaJun 30, 20100 Comments

Speed limit is 35 they are set up there today…….

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