Jacksonville, Florida Speed Traps

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Trout River Boulevard near Trout River Boulevard

Jacksonville, FloridaAug 13, 20070 Comments

Afew yards east from the exit of US Route 1 onto Trout River Blvd. there are Jacksoville Police who work this area on a regular basis. Sometimes, it is the State Police. They wait until you pop over the 295 bridge and are naturally going over 35 and zap you. The speed limit is 35 miles per hour and is posted; but when you start down the incline you usually are going over the limit.

Church Drive near Atlantic Boulevard

Jacksonville, FloridaAug 08, 20070 Comments

There is a Greek Orthodox Church on the south side of Atlantic Boulevard east of St. Nicholas area (right side of Atlantic traveling east towards the beaches) They park in the church lot and stand in the driveway, using some sort of instant-on device. Usually during morning hours I see them there. There is another trap at a huge brick church on the other side of Atlantic, same modus operandi as the Greek Church but I have seen them there morning and night, right before the merger of Beach and Atlantic traveling west on Atlantic towards downtown, they will be on your right in the church driveway. Watch for little navy blue shapes in the driveways that move around as you approach these churches.

Peach Street near Atlantic Boulevard

Jacksonville, FloridaAug 03, 20070 Comments

Speed Trap is between BEACH blvd and Atlantic Blvd Heading North, Cop on motorcycle sits in shaded sidewalk near Atlantic waiting.

State Highway Phillips near Bowdendale Avenue

Jacksonville, FloridaAug 03, 20070 Comments

This speed trap is set up in the small empty lot on the Northbound side of Phillips Hwy. just north of Bowdendale Rd (there is sometimes a semi-truck/trailer in the lot which makes the trap harder to see from a distance). The trap seems to be set up once or twice a week and in the mid-late afternoon. It is not uncommon for them to have 3 or 4 people pulled over in the lot, waiting on their turn to be ticketed.

Interstate 295 near Morse Avenue

Jacksonville, FloridaJul 30, 20070 Comments

FL State Troop sits low in the median and watches traffic coming from north AND south on I-295, just north of the Morse Av. overpass. Posted limit is 65 but he hasn’t stopped cars doing 70. If he nails you, you probably deserve it.

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