Lawtey, Florida Speed Traps
The whole town and surrounding towns
Anyone that says this area of U.S. Hwy. 301 is not a speedtrap is either lying or is a cop from Lawtey. This is one of the most well known speed traps in the state of Florida. Yes it is true that they are only in it for the money. When you go through these towns you will realize that the only way the few cops will get paid is by writing tickets. The real crime in these areas is handled by the Sheriff and State Police because most of the Lawty PD and Waldo PD are not very well trained except in ticket writing.
The entire town limits!!
Beware: a private citizen who could afford it got caught & has had a billboard warning 3 miles north of the town ever since…for years now. The towns response was to post their own billboard with a whiney reply that states “Lawtey is NOT a speed trap.” And if you believe the town of Lawtey, I can sell you the Grand Canyon cheap! Every Floridian knows about both Lawtey & Waldo (also on 301, south of Lawtey) & half have probably been caught at least once. Play it safe & go 5mph lower than the limit & be at the limit 50-100 yards before the posted signs. They do change often and are definitely watched 24/7.
State Highway 301 near State Route 301
There are huge billboards on both sides of this town indicating that State Route 301 going through the town is a speed trap. Believe them! Every time we go through this town they have someone pulled over writing a ticket.
US Highway 301
Speed limit on this part of US301 changes frequently and unnecessarily. The cops will hide somewhere and point their laser gun right at where the speed limit post is. I was traveling south and I have no idea about what speedtrap is. In order to catch time I was driving about 8 miles above speed limit, which is totally OK in my home state. First I was in 65mph zone, I released my gas when I saw the 55mph post. I didn’t get the chance to put my feet on gas again before I saw the 45mph post. I thought it is OK to just reduce the speed without using brake. But I was wrong. I saw about 100 yard in front of me turned on its lights, I though it was the car before me that didn’t get luck. Unfortunately it was me. So for sure the cop was pointing his laser right at where the speed post is. My opinion is obey the speed limit at this cursed place strictly to avoid being robbed by the cops. The cops here don’t care about safety. They only care about money. As this town receives more than 70% of its money from traffic ticket. Shame on them. I heard about a bypass will be constructed by the year of 2010. The government there will bankrupt after the building of this bypass. I am so expecting.
US Highway 301 near Lake Road
This trap is set up for southbound traffic on 301. This road cuts across the state from north east coast of FL to the other side of the state. It is the quickest and best route to get to the other side of the state when traveling from the north. Tourists especially like this route. It is the tourists the Lawtey PD is preying on. They know most will not come back to town to fight the ticket and they seem to cherry pick out of state tags. While traveling this UN-familiar route I saw the Speed Trap sign in the previous town. I use cruise control to control my speed. The speed was 65, then warning to reduce speed ahead, then 55, then the reduce speed ahead, then 45. I was clicking along with other traffic at 36 mph when I came around a curve into a flashing light saying 20 mph when flashing. Wow, it was a school zone. There was no fore-warning to reduce speed ahead, I had already passed the school, the zone markings were after the school, and there was no way to slow down to the 20 mph without being hit by other traffic. All of the other traffic was going around the same speed, but guess what, they had FL tags and I had VA. I was pulled over and given a ticket for $315, wow! The officer blamed the state. He said they could not help how the state placed the signs. While I know he is not responsible for the placement of the warning signs of a school zone, the PD sure does take advantage of the misplacement. The motorists ticketed are not from FL, only out of state to ensure difficulty of fighting same. I returned to the scene to take photos in case I chose to fight the ticket. He had another out-of-state vehicle pulled over. I think the PD and state should be ashamed of allowing such activities by using a school and putting their children at risk to write speeding tickets for income. I am a law abiding citizen of the US and I think the citizens of that town should be aware their children are being used to earn income for the town/county of Lawtey/Bradford. I really think this could be a disaster to a child. Does a child have to be injured for them to stop? They need to fore-warn motorists that a school is nearby and post proper signage so that motorists traveling into unfamiliar territory can adjust to accomodate the children. This law enforcement agency is by far the most rotten bunch of people I have ever encountered — to use children! I had no speeding violations or encroachments on my license until now thanks to these people. Welcome to FL I guess. My future tourist dollars definitely will not be spent in FL. Hey, locals and Lawtey citizens, your police force is using your children to make money and are detering tourist income from your state. You have no state tax largely due to tourist income, and your town is trying to reduce that income with the way they are trying to increase their income locally. I hope by my speaking up, the risk of your child being hurt will be avoided.