Ocala, Florida Speed Traps

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North Magnolia Avenue near State Highway 40

Ocala, FloridaOct 30, 20060 Comments

the OPD will sit at the end of the s-curve hill past Bee-Personal, in the SSI Office parking lot and closk you coming from the hill and the curve, I have seen many people one right after the other. this is done usually on Sundays in the early to mid AM, not during the week, due to traffic, hope this helps:)

SW 66th Street near SR 93 Road

Ocala, FloridaApr 03, 20060 Comments

Several FHP cars man the location, using radar and pull over vehicles as fast as they can write tickets.

State Highway 200 near State Highway 484

Ocala, FloridaApr 03, 20060 Comments

Several FHP cars and Sheriff’s Dept cars set up speed traps at vafious times to cover the road from I 75 to SR 484.

Interstate near Exit Number 352-341

Ocala, FloridaMar 16, 20060 Comments

12 Mile strech of I-75, Highway patrol will sit at the bottom of the overpasses so when you top the hill there they are, waiting at the bottom. There is usally on with radar and two waiting to run after speeders. Also, at the end of this stretch at the rest area, they will hang out in the “ditches”” and in the center of the road as this is the only stretch that has breaks in the guardrail and they can chase in either direction.”

US Highway 441/301/27 near Harley Davidson Dealership

Ocala, FloridaMar 13, 20060 Comments

Marion County Sheriff’s Office lays a speed trap near the Harley Davidson dealership on North US 441 between a curve and a hill so the trap is obscured from both directions. Usually, it is in the AM rush hour, but I have seen them as late as mid-day.

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