Ocala, Florida Speed Traps
US Highway 441 near Dunkin Doughuts
The cops usually sit across from dunkin doughuts and leave their radar on all the time. Normally at 5 AM any day of the week mostly monday and tuseday mornings.
S.E. Martin Luther King Boulevard near S.W. 10th Street
They trap you on the west side of Martin Luther King Blvd. on south side of 10th street, just approx 1/4 mile past intersectioin. If you pass the only posted 30 MPH sign travelling south, they catch you around a blind corner on the right.
State Route 484 near Interstate 75
Every Mon,Tues,Thur, and Fri Morning from 12:15 am til day break there is an officer at 27 circle rd. running radar. That is the 3rd right you pass after Marion Oaks Blvd and B4 I-75. He always uses Radar. He uses trigger mode. He never leaves the beam pointed in your direction. He parks at a 90 degree angle,so you will never see him or get a radar alert from your detector until it is 2late. This officer has given me 2tickets in a 1week span. 1 for doing 71 in a 45 MPH zone and the other for 52 in the same 45 MPH zone. He has no mercy so Beware of Him. I personally know his schedule because I work early in the wee hours of the morning and I leave between the hours of 12-4 and he never fails to be there on the days I mentioned above. The only time he is not there is when he his on a call and that is never.