Pompano Beach, Florida Speed Traps
Copans Road near NE 12 Terrace
Usually from 1 pm to 4 pm during the week two motorcycle cops use radar from behind a bush in the median. 40 MPH zone. I got two tickets there.
48th Street near US Highway 1
Sheriff sits near the 7-11 store with radar on the eastbound traffic on NE 48th St as you approach US 1
Copans Road near Powerline Road
Two motorcycle cops just west of powerline on south side of the road
Andrews Avenue near Center Port Circle Drive
motorcycle sits in front of the red bull warehouse on andrews ave just before center port circle on the northbound side.
North Riverside Drive near East Atlantic Boulevard
Motorcycle police sit in the shade of some palm trees on the west side of the road just north of Atlantic. (Across from the municipal parking lot.) They are focused on traffic coming south along North Riverside Drive. Speeders beware!