Sarasota, Florida Speed Traps
Myrtle St between Tuttle Ave. and 301
Myrtle St between Tuttle Ave and 301. Deputy sits in the median, especially at night, running Radar/Laser in the dark. Speed limit is 35 mph! The Deputy usually sits in the dark with no vehicle lights on!! Watch it!!
Bee Ridge Rd Near Iona Rd
Out on Bee Ridge Rd, past I-75 there’s 2 churches on your right if you’re heading East, on your left, if you’re heading West. There’s usually always a Deputy sitting at the front entrance to one of the churches running Radar and/or Laser!! Speed limit is 45 MPH!
Mcintosh rd between Bee Ridge and Proctor
One of Sarasotas legendary motorcycle cop gang will sit on the NB lane before Bee Ridge rd. hiding behind the fence of the people’s house next to the lake, seen them there multiple times.
Honore rd south of clark
Motorcycle cop on side walk clocking. Cops in cars waiting down the rd. Bothsides of honore.
I-75 NB after SR681; I-75 SB after SR 72
The FHP has created an aircraft speed trap between SR 681 and SR 72 on Interstate 75. On I-75 NB, immediately after MM 200 (SR681 on ramp), the FHP has lines in the road where they track vehicles from the air. The chase cars are in the woods in the median between MM 200 and MM 203. Look for a single engine Cessna in the air.
Going southbound on I-75, the FHP has lines in the road starting just after Exit 205, and they continue down to MM 203. Again, the chase cars are hiding in the woods while the Cessna clocks the speeds from above.
This area is always populated with FHP troopers and drivers should be aware.