Sarasota, Florida Speed Traps
Interstate 75 south of Exit 205 (Clark Rd)
FHP (sometimes even Sarasota SO) will hide behind a cluster of trees in the median waiting for traffic to come by. They’re at this location on a regular basis and often as part of a wolfpack. By time you see them, it’s too late.
Tamiami Trail SR 45 and Webber
Police wait just near the end of the school zone on Tamimiami Trail in the trees, and after you make the turn from Webber to Tamimiami Trail heading North they give you a violation for the school zone.
Mile marker 203-204 on I-75
10-15 State troopers And DOT law enforcement out in FULL force!! At this location. Once they are done ticketing one person they pull over the next. Big time busts today!
West End Bahia Vista Street
3 motorcycle cops will sit at west end Bahia Vista Street.