Algonquin, Illinois Speed Traps
Rt 62 and 31
Squad car sits in the parking lot of what was King’s auto, blocked from the view of Westbound drivers crossing the bridge over the Fox river.
Randall & Algonquin Intersection Cameras
The Red Light cameras are not there to promote safety. They are clearly there for nothing more than revenue for the village. If you don’t make a complete stop when turning on red you will get a ticket in the mail. Also, when turning left make sure the light is green or yellow or you will be ticketed. $100!
Algonquin Road @ the pumping station
This spot is not used often but they sit behind trees in front of the pumping station and take radar of east bound traffic.
River Dr N & Wood Dr
This a favorite, The speed limit is 25mph. The police hide behind some bushes on Wood Dr. and shoot radar on River Rd. You can’t see them untill you are right there.
Bunker Hill Street
On Bunker Hill in Algonquin they are looking for speeders. Speed Limit is 25. They are also looking for people who don’t stop all the way and are looking for the people who are not wearing their seatbelts! They are all over and sit on the side streets. What they do is have a cop up a ways with a radar and also a telescope and then call and let them know what you did wrong and they have a line of cop cars.