Oswego, Illinois Speed Traps
US Highway 34
The Oswego Police cars like to sit on two south side drive ways. one drive is across the long builds on a privet wooded driveway clocking the cars heading east on RT.US34. the 2nd driveway is right before Rt30 and Us34 corner across the chevy car place clocking cars going east on Rt us34 this driveway is harder to see but when you get 10 feet away you’ll then see little bit of the driveway that is south side of Rt.Us34. And Oswego Police Department likes to sit in the yellow medium across the new Best Buy store that just been built as if all these new traffic lights isn’t enough as it is! and the Last area on Us34 is in the parking lot for the Fox Bend Gulf Course that is at est 1000 feet west of the police stations parking lot, as I don’t see a unit sit there not as much but once in a blue mile I see the cop sitting there.
Frankfort Avenue near Fayette Drive
At 2:30 pm, when school at oehs gets out there is a cop sitting there everyday. He will either back in to the closed end of frankfort ave. or sit next to the stop sign across from it and clock people turning from Cardinal ave.
Tuscany Trail near Orchard Boulevard
Police car sits on Tuscany just past Concord Drive. Speed limit is 25mph, very low and not well posted. (Intersection would be much better served with a 3-way stop sign). When officer is present, 5-10 cars end up pulled over in a given day. Granted some of the cars are speeding excessively and SHOULD be pulled over, but speed limit seems deliberately low.
US Highway Rt 34 near Jackson Street
You better be wearing your seat belt .. as Oswego Police stop everyone that isnt wearing one. I work by the post office and can sit and watch them pull over up to 10 cars a day sometimes. It brings in money for the city.
Douglas Road near Ogden Avenue
The police just travel up and down douglas road all day between Rt 34 and Rt 30. This is clearly set up for the city to make revenue.