Iowa City, Iowa Speed Traps
on friendship st
people on this street doing 30 in a 25 mile per mile speed limit east bound friendship st and west bound on friendship street
near 2503 friendship to terrace
people like to speed on friendship street I worry about kids on this street corner
friendship street
driver on friendship love speed 40 and speed limit 25
1st Avenue Hickory Hill Park Entrance
The patrol car waits in the Hickory Hill Park parking lot. Cars are going down hill from both directions making it very hard to drive the 25 mile speed limit.
Hawkeye Park Rd
Be careful driving by the soccer fields on Hawkeye Park Rd especially on weekday mornings. Sometimes there is a cop sitting in a car on some service driveway on the southside of the road just opposite the soccer complex, sometimes one of those speed detector displays is on the same side of the road as the soccer fields, and I’ve even seen a cop on the west end of the soccer fields, just where the road changes direction, standing on the bike/running path with a radar gun in hand waiting to nail people coming from the east end of the road or from the south. Once, I was actually driving along this street at night at maybe 35 mph, and there was a cop with no lights on along the main east-west portion of Hawkeye Park Rd and I thought for sure he was going to pull me over. Thankfully, he flashed his lights to remind me to slow down!