Ann Arbor, Michigan Speed Traps
US Highway us-23 near between plymouth and geddes road
After passing the plymouth road on ramp you will go under a bridge and around a long bend. As your comming out of the turn and start down the hill they are sitting in a blind in the middle of the highway. You don’t have much time to react becuase they clock you to quickley. I saw the state cop three times in one day! Watch for this at the end of each month
Glazier Road near Between Huron Parkway and Green Road
Glazier has a steep hill on it with a church at the bottom. Cops sit inside the driveway of the church where you can’t see them and catch "speeders", knowing that people will have to pick up speed to get up the hill. Also just a few yards away is a street to a cul-de-sac that has a stop sign on it and they love sitting in a valley there waiting to catch people for "speeding" or a "rolling stop".
Maple Road near State Highway 14
As one drives south on Maple Rd., the speed limit suddenly drops from 45 to 35 mph as you pass under the M-14 overpass. A short distance later as you just come over the top of a slight incline, an Ann Arbor cop will be waiting on the right side, off the road, backed into overhanging trees, usually in a dark blue Crown Vic. Tickets for all that dare "speed" in Ann Arbor.
Fuller Road near Fuller Pool
Surprised this wasn’t posted. Cops sit here all day pulling people over. Was pulled over once going to the hospital in an emergency. No compassion from the cop. Next time they need someone, I’ll drive the speed limit.
West Liberty Road near Between Seventh and Stadium
Police regularly sit in the driveway of one of the two apartment complexes on the north side of Liberty (across from Eberwhite Woods). Westbound traffic is coming over a hill and can’t usually see the cars, and Eastbound traffic is coming down a hill and is often too fast as a result.