Canton, Michigan Speed Traps
Cherry hill rd. West of Denton. Speed limit=45-25mph
Be careful. It changes from 45 to 25. Invisible patrol by Cold Stone Creamery. Will pull over and ticket for MInimal speeding over 25mph.
Michigan and Lilly
No turn on Red are behind the white stop lines and you wont see them as you approch the intersection while watching traffic, pedistraians and the light, so when you stop you cant see the sign, Canton Police in unmarked cars watch and get you making the turn on the red. Most of the intersections on Michigan Ave are the same, but some not posted, so not being able to see the sign you dont know if you should turn or not.
Saltz and Morton Taylor
Both Saltz and Morton Taylor are posted at 25 mph. Police sit at the park which is located on Saltz just East of Morton Taylor. They get you on both roads!
hanford btw canton ctr and sheldon
police sit at middle school and catch folks coming off canton center. limit is 25 at all times even though road is very wide.
Police park on Cherry Hill. Speed limit is 45 immediately before and after Cherry Hill Village where it drops to 25.