Canton, Michigan Speed Traps
Lilley Street near Palmer Street
The police sit in the party store parking lot waiting to pull you over for speeding or running the 4-way stoplight.
Michigan Avenue near Sheldon Road
The police will hide in various places such as in parking lots, side of road, or in gas station. In all difficult places to see till it’s too late. Also will be there at late night.
Haggerty Street near Palmer
Haggerty between Palmer and Michigan Ave. They sit behind a sign on the East side of the street facing North 1/2 mile south of Palmer. Usually can be found between 9:00 and 11:00a.m. and again late afternoon from 3:00 to 5:00p.m.
Ford Road near Past Beck Road
There is a Landscaping company on the left when you pass Beck Rd….its a little bit after that. There is a sign with a little hill, I have seen a police car sitting behind that a few times waiting to come out and pull you over.
Beck Road near Cherry Hill Road
At night, the light changes to a blinking red for a 4-way stop. An officer sits in the elementary school parking lot on the corner waiting to catch people not coming to a complete stop at the light.