Dearborn Heights, Michigan Speed Traps
Warren Avenue near Evergreen Road
BEWARE of driving through Dearborn Heights! After receiving my 3rd ticket in 6 months in Dearborn Heights I did a Freedom of Information request and discovered that they wrote over 30,000 traffic tickets last year, in a city of 12 square miles! I now drive around that city to get to work (it may take 15 minutes longer but sure saves me alot of $$$$ in fines and insurance rates!)
Ford Rd Road near Hines Drive
The Dearborn Heights Police Department welcome motorists to their city by having officers stationed at the border running Laser radar on W/B Ford Rd at Hines Drive!
Warren Avenue near Outer Drive
The Dearborn Heights PD is ridiculous! You can’t go 5 over without being pulled over. I was stopped on Warren Road near outer Drive for supposedly going 45mph in a 35mph zone…This is a stretch of roadway that has no businesses or residential homes, how is it a 35mph zone?
All Road near All Road
The Dearbor Heights police have heavy traffic enforcement on ALL their roadways! You can’t drive through that city without seeing at least 3 patrol cars on stops!
Hines Drive near Telegraph Road
Temporary: Speed limit drops from 45 to 30 for only a couple hundred yards in construction zone. At night, after workers have gone, deputy county sheriff hits west-bound traffic the instant they hit reduced limit sign. The only hazard is the cop on the shoulder with all his lights off.