Livonia, Michigan Speed Traps
Merriman Road near Either side of West Chicago Street
Cops park on the east side of West Chicago and Merriman Rd in the AM most days catching speeders heading North on Merriman. In the evening they park on the west side of West Chicago and catch people heading south. They park 2-3 houses off the road on either side and go after both West Chicago traffic and Merriman traffic. I’m friends with a lot of LPD officers and this is quite a popular speed trap.
Deering Street near Plymouth Road
Heading south on deering rd, on the other side of plymouth rd, an officer clocks your speed with laser. Speed limit on deering is 25mph. If he puts on the ticket "radar," you can argue that traffic crossing plymouth rd obstructed the device. Hey, it got me out of one.
Farmington Road near Interstate 96
No turn on Red Trap. Cop hiding in mostly unmarked vehicle.
Interstate 96 near Between Levan and Farmington Roads
Police sit back in the entrances of the businesses, especially at night. This is along the Jeffries (I96)service drive between Levan and Farmington Roads.
Interstate I-96 near Interstate I-275
Typically State Police sit watching east bound traffic on I-96 just before center embankment begins which is a half mile west of I-275. However, I have also seem them watching west bounders who are merging on to M-14 heading west at the same location. This area sees a lot of traps. They show up for a few weeks and then they are gone for a month or so only to return again.