Livonia, Michigan Speed Traps
Newburgh Road near Amrhein Road
When going south from I-96, going down a hill speed, easily increases. View further down the road is blocked my railroad bridge. After bridge, officer will park in driveways aiming radar at southbound traffic. If you discover them, it is too late, they got you.
Middlebelt Road near Plymouth Road
On Middlebelt Road going northbound from !-96 toward Plymouth Road the Livonia and State Police sit in the Ford factory parking lot to catch speeding cars going under the bridge area.
Interstate 96 near Middlebely Road
The cop is in an umarked car. The cop is parked on the side right by the fast lane traffic. He is kneling down between his car and the median. If he catches you, he then sends someone for you. So be careful. They are not playing!
Middlebelt Road near Interstate 96 and Plymouth Road
On West side of Middlebelt, by auto plant driveway
Merriman Road near Lyndon Road
the police hide in the church parking lot on the north east side of the street and has two spotter cars hiding on side streets both north and south