Livonia, Michigan Speed Traps
Interstate 275 near 7 Mile Road
For South bound travelers, as you near the curve for 7 mile road cops sit in the medium with laser. Any speed over 75 will get you a ticket.
Stark Road near Hines to Plymouth Road
livonia police hide in home driveways and side streets between hines drive and plymouth rd..speed limit is 25..they wait for you to come off hines at 40 and start from i 96 to plymouth rd at 40
8 Mile Road
Police sit on side streets Ellen or Chestnut on south side of Eight Mile located between Haggerty and Gill Roads. Cars are usually the half marked (driver side no, passenger side yes).
Schoolcraft Road near Newburgh Road
On the Schoolcraft service drive. Cops sit behind a huge power box. Speed trap and stop sign trap.
Caliburn Road near Newburg Road
Cops park on Caliburn Road off of Newburg south of Seven Mile Road and south of Laurel Park Drive.