Livonia, Michigan Speed Traps
Sunnydale & Inkster Road 1/3 Mile North of 5 mile
They sit in marked and unmarked cars proctoring southbound Inkster Road. Laser and Radar.
Middle Belt just north of Plymouth
Officer sits in the Ford plant parking lot and gets drivers heading south on Middlebelt. Uses laser, not radar. Light blue partially marked Crown Vic.
Nice officer but will give you a ticket.
Wayne Road and W. Chicago
Police car sits on the south side of W.Chicago, facing Wayne Road. The cop usually has rear facing radar, waits for people driving east on W. Chicago around a blind turn, then usually pulls offender over while still in the subdivision. They are not there all the time. They are usually there at the start of the new school year, the end of the school day, or at the end of the month. Also, there to catch cars running red lights on Wayne Rd. as well.
E-bound Plymouth Rd at Middlebelt Rd
Since the shopping mall opened the east bound left turn lane from Plymouth rd to Middlebelt rd is always congested. Many people go past the light and turn left into the strip mall on the corner of Plymouth and Middlebelt (NE corner). and then jump back onto northbound Middlebelt rd. The Livonia PD now has a spotter on Plymouth road that radios other units to pull you over. They cite you for avoiding a traffic signal using private property. $125 fine.
Stark between Hines and Plymouth
For some reason residents felt the need to call the cops so they can set up speed traps and get drivers that are speeding, even though the houses sit so far back. One of the only residential traps you see is in Livonia because the residents feel that they are the only important ones. Watch for cops as they sit in residential driveways.